Solitaire for Health and Well-Being


Benefits of Playing Regular Solitaire

Mental Health

How would you define good mental health in old age? 



The list could go on forever.  But let’s talk about old age mental health in more scientific and medical terms.



We can all agree, that having a good ability to focus our attention and thought on one thing at a time, is a healthy sign in old age.  To play solitaire well, one needs to be able to focus on one task or assessment at a time.




Concentration is an important aspect of focus. Solitaire requires one to be able to concentrate on multiple forcing at one time. Many simultaneous decisions must be made to get good at solitaire.




Problem Solving

The game of solitaire requires one to hone one's problem solving skills.  These multiple problems must be looked at individually,and also in the context of the whole game.  Solitaire provides a fun way to get daily mental exercise, thus helping to keep our minds functioning and sound as we age.


We can recommend trying your favorite game of solitaire against your computer.


Double solitaire, doubles the Benefits

The innovations of the World Wide Web and the computing power of our handheld devices have enabled us to play any card game with any number of other folks.  If you have never tried this, please accept this invitation to google, interactive card games.

You will be benefiting your own health and well being and that of your friends, old and new.