Finding Joy in the Little Things

Have you ever noticed how little children get so excited about the smallest of things? You could be walking down the street with a child, and the child will reach down and get excited about something as simple as a shiny rock, or a leaf, or a bug. As adults, it’s so easy to be obsessed with the craziness of life. We go through so many seasons, some feel busy and some feel dreadfully slow. I believe that we all long for the simplicity of life that we had when we were children. No matter what season you are in, there are always places that you can find joy. So how do we find that joy??? Read on to discover more.




Take a moment to be still

One of the big ways that we find joy, is to take a moment to actually notice the small things. Stop. Take a look around you. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you feel? What is something in the area around you that makes you feel excited or peaceful? Sunlight shining in a window, a cozy warm blanket, or the smell of coffee are all things that bring comfort to some. For me it’s the feel of sunlight on my skin and getting to watch the birds or squirrels play in the trees, that brings a smile to my face. Even if it seems silly and childish, enjoy it. It’s good to see the world through the eyes of a child sometimes.

Having a thankful heart

We tend to always notice the negative things in our lives. When we do this, it’s easy to fall into the struggle of depression, anxiety, and bitterness. These things usually take a physical toll on our bodies. One of the best ways to combat this is by having a thankful heart. Take a few minutes each day to write or name 3-5 things you are thankful for. Some people like to keep thankfulness journals. If you feel like you are stuck, just try to start with one thing each day that you are thankful for, even if it’s small. You might be surprised to find that more small things will come to your mind after you write that first one down. Not only will this help improve your state of mind, but new studies have shown that gratefulness helps remove toxins from your body and can even improve the overall health of your brain!

Do something for someone else

Another way to add some joy to your life is by giving it to someone else. I know it seems backwards but trust me on this. When we do something for someone else, it helps us take the focus off of our problems and negativity. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Asking people about their day, showing that you care, and a smile go a long way. If you can’t afford to physically give someone something, the gift of time is invaluable. Not only will it bless them, it will bless you.

No matter what season of life you are in, finding joy can significantly help us go through the difficult transitions. So, take a moment and ask yourself, how will you find joy today?