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What Others Are Saying About BeeHive Homes
Paline A. and Rosalinda S.
Dear BeeHive Staff,
BeeHive was our Mom's home for the last year and a half of her life. She always wanted to go home, an obvious impossibility, but was content with the friends she had made among the the residents and staff. She was given the respect and compassionate care that she deserved, even on her most difficult days.
My sister and I were often there and were always extended the utmost courtesy and assistance. The staff seemed to adopt us. toward the end when we were keeping a 24 hour vigil, all of the staff always made sure that we had something to eat and a place to sleep.
It was very clear that our Mother was much for than just a resident to all of you; you treated her as if she was your Grandmother. We were so appreciative that so many of you attended the funeral. that says so much about the wonderful people you are.
We will all be eternally grateful for all you have done.