For the elderly living at home, the threat of a fall or a medical event can be very real. When emergencies happen, you need to be able to call for help. A smartphone or portable landline phone could be helpful but having a medical alert bracelet or necklace is assurance that you can call for help. Regardless if the phone is out of reach.
Many of these devices are a personal emergency response system. Connecting you to a 24/7 alarm monitoring company who can dispatch emergency personal. Or even alert your family and neighbor that you need help. There are many options from companies that provide the medical alert systems. So be sure to research their features, pricing, and contract length. If you’re a family member of the senior who might need an alert system, it’s also very important to talk with them about wearing the device.
What Type of Medical Alert System is Best?
There are two key types of medical alert systems: a home-based system or a mobile-system. Home-based systems are designed to alert when the senior triggers the system in or near the home. A landline or cellular phone line can be used. In a mobile-system, help can be summoned from anywhere, using a cellular phone signal. Mobile systems use GPS so are best for seniors who may be apt to wander. Or who are still driving and may be some distance from their home.
Fall detection is another option in medical alert systems. The senior must be wearing the device, which automatically detects a fall and can call the dispatch center. Some devices may be more sensitive than other companies. Some users report false alarms from overly-sensitive devices so be sure to compare brands and read the users’ reviews.
Whether you choose a home-based alert system or a mobile-alert system, be sure the wearable device is waterproof. Many falls occur in the bathroom, so the device should even be worn while in the shower. Be sure to test the equipment occasionally to be sure the device calls the dispatch center. Test that the base unit will function on batteries if there’s a power outage. And that it will alert you if the batteries need to be replaced.
Fall Prevention and Safety
Fall prevention and safety at home are such important elements for seniors. At BeeHive Homes, our comfortable and home-like assisted living homes are designed for senior safety. While our staff provides assistance during bathing, dressing or other activities where help is needed and are always nearby, we do offer medical alert call pendants for residents who would like the extra means of communication.
For residents who face dementia and are prone to wander, our homes provide safe but secure outdoor facilities to enjoy when the weather is nice. Our goal is to always provide peace of mind for your aging parent or family member, caring for them in a small-group assisted living home as if they were our own family.