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Healthy living at BeeHive Homes

On January 15th, 2025 by Geoffrey

As the New Year begins, it’s a natural time to focus on what truly matters—our health, happiness, and overall well-being. At BeeHive Homes, we embrace these priorities year-round, offering our residents opportunities to thrive through healthy eating, physical activity, and meaningful social connections. The Power of a Healthy Lifestyle Research consistently shows that a healthy […]


The Benefits of Movement with a Caregiver at BeeHive Homes of New Mexico

On October 20th, 2023 by Geoffrey

Dementia is a concern for many seniors, and we understand the challenges it can bring. But here's some good news: there are simple steps you can take to help reduce the risk of dementia, and one of the most effective ones is exercise. At BeeHive Homes, our dedicated caregivers are here to guide you through […]


On August 24th, 2021 by Owen

Have you noticed that as we age, genuine, deep sleep is more and more difficult to attain?  Many people blame this sleeplessness on the aging process, but is it right to do so?  There are certainly many older persons who can sleep well through the night. Why Don't I Feel Rested? Sleeplessness is caused in […]



On August 11th, 2021 by Owen

Incontinence is an issue of embarrassment among many older people.  According to a report from 2014, about half the population of older Americans experience urinary leakage or accidental bowel leakage.  And roughly 25% have moderate, severe or very severe urinary leakage.  That's a lot of people!  Perhaps because people are unwilling to talk openly about […]


Balloon Exercise Activities

On June 21st, 2021 by Owen

Are you staying active as you age?  Being physically fit is emphasized as important all throughout our formative years. Schools generally have Physical Education (PE) courses, colleges have gyms and sports teams, women and men of child-bearing age are encouraged to be active and have gym memberships. Much is said about how exercise will make […]


On May 14th, 2020 by Geoffrey

What Is Chi Gong? ‘Chi’ is the vital force, the life force that is transmitted by the breath.  “Gong’ can be translated as exercise.  So chi gong provides exercises that maximize the benefits of healthy breathing.  The great news for seniors is that there are literally hundreds of simple exercises that maximize the benefits of […]


On April 27th, 2020 by Geoffrey

What Is Chi Gong? ‘Chi’ is the vital force, the life force that is transmitted by the breath.  “Gong’ can be translated as exercise. So chi gong provides exercises that maximize the benefits of healthy breathing.  The great news for seniors is that there are literally hundreds of simple exercises that maximize the benefits of […]


On February 17th, 2020 by Geoffrey

  Exercise… Is it important? Or is it one of those things that only the extremely athletic and fit people should do? You know, the ones that run marathons or try out for the Olympics. That’s the view that a lot of people have about the word exercise. I’m not going to ever be an […]


On August 14th, 2019 by Geoffrey

How often do you think about your knees?  Chances are that you don’t give them much thought, unless you have arthritis or if you are injured in some way.  Most of us don’t pay attention to our joints until they are in pain.  If you have been in pain for some time, you may need […]


On August 7th, 2019 by Geoffrey

The long, dog days of summer are upon us.  The intense heat can make it difficult to get outside and be involved in things going on, even though the options are generally more plentiful at this time of year.  But, please remember, no matter what your age, it is important to be involved in the […]


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